Results: the six training modules
Module 1: Various approaches to disability and the need for disability inclusion in UN activity
The learning outcomes make it possible for participants to:
Discuss the evolving concept of disability through various approaches (charity/medical and human rights)
Understand the CRPD
Define and discuss concepts in the UN’s Disability Inclusion Strategy (2019)
Module 2: Implementation of the UNCT Accountability Scorecard on Disability Inclusion
As outcomes, at the end of this module, participants can:
Describe the four core areas of the Accountability Scorecard on Disability Inclusion (ASDI)
Identify gaps within the ASDI in light of CRPD definitions and principles
Review the experience (lessons and challenges) of implementing the ASDI
Module 3: Understanding UNDIS framework to translate disability inclusion at the policy level, programmatic, and operational levels to program ToC
The module outcomes allow participants to:
Apply the UNDIS Framework, particularly the UNCT ASDI to determine appropriate policy, programming and operations within their agencies
Engage with local contextual dynamics as demonstrated in UNSDCF: Indonesia (2021 -2025)
Module 4: Mainstreaming M&E system with UNSDCF 20221-2025 implementation
As an outcome the participants learn:
How to incorporate disability inclusion within the M&E processes
How disability inclusive M&E is reflected in the UNSDCF 2021-2025
Module 5: Managing for results and data collection strategy
By the end of this module, participants have:
Discussed the importance of Data in the UN’s contemporary work
Appreciated the importance of a Human Rights-based Approach to Data (HRBAD) to Disability Inclusive field work and M&E
Discussed applying HRBAD within quantitative and qualitative data collection processes
Mainstreamed disability inclusion in quantitative and qualitative research methods
Module 6: Developing annual reports on UNSDCF implementation
At the end of this module the following has been discussed:
The value of UN Reports in perceptual, academic and policy realities
Integrating Disability Inclusion Principles (UNDIS/CRPD) into the new UN Country Results Report Guidelines
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