Checklist for venue accessibility
This is a translated version of checklist developed by Madagascar UNCT in 2023
The United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy obligates us to make all our activities accessible to persons with disabilities. This means that the conference spaces and hotels we use must be as accessible as possible so that no one is left behind. Please use this checklist to evaluate on the accessibility of the hotels and conference rooms used by UN.
Hotel : City :
Check all that applies.
Physical accessibility
Are the different spaces accessible to people with mobility problems (including people using wheelchairs), without stairs and with wide passages?
1. Entrance
2. Conference room
3. Restaurant
4. Toilets
5. Rooms, including bathroom
6. Other areas
Accessibility for persons with visual impairments
Are the different spaces accessible to people with visual impairments (including who uses canes)?
1. Doesn’t have lightening that makes difficult to see passages or obstacles.
2. Conference rooms (if any) are not very bright and have curtains.
3. Signs, menu, and maps are not written in small letters or are easy to read.
4. There are no objects with sharp edges or other obstacles that are difficult to see
Accessibility for people with hearing impairments
Are the different spaces accessible to people with hearing impairments?
1. Do conference facilities (if any) generate a lot of background noise?
2. Does the restaurant (if there is one) have a quiet area?
3. Acceptable noise levels in other parts of the hotel
Protection from the sun
Are the different areas of the hotel or conference room (if any) protected from the sun?
1. Participants can avoid direct sunlight from the windows
2. Areas including the restaurant (if any), are protected from the sun (e.g. with a roof)
3. Passages from one place to other minimize exposure to the sun
Other comments
Any other observations regarding the accessibility and inclusiveness of the space?
1. Have you identified other barriers to accessibility?
2. Can adaptation measures or changes be planned within a short time?
Last updated
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