How we went about it
The study utilized the Guidelines of Good Practices for Operationalizing LNOB 2022, developed by UNSDG. It revealed which groups are being left behind and examined intersectionality within those groups. It also aided understanding of why these groups are being left behind by categorizing the causes into governance; geography; socio-economic status; discrimination; and vulnerability to shocks. Additionally, it highlighted information gaps where certain groups were not covered by national statistics, or their intersectionality was not recorded.
The study laid out actions that UN Indonesia should take to address those gaps, and to address the needs of those being left behind. The actions taken by UN in Indonesia, include:
Working with BPS and SUSENAS to make sure national surveys cover all LNOB groups
Tagging LNOB groups in UNINFO to help agencies store better data on beneficiaries of their programs and projects.
Making LNOB visible in Cooperation Framework outcomes, outputs and indicators, M&E framework, JWPs, and UN agency-specific country strategic documents and project implementation
Developing a disability inclusion checklist and gender equality screening tool for joint programmes. Training M&E Officers and Programme/Project Managers on LNOB integration at all levels of PME
Training RCO personnel on implementing LNOB as a guiding principle for CF and CCA, and introducing LNOB, Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA), Gender Equality and Disability Inclusion checklists to UNCT and RCO personnel
Ensuring participation for all and collaboration with civil society in CF implementation, establishing a CSO Advisory Committee.
Advocacy efforts to host LNOB sessions with Bappenas as part of the SDG Summit, placing LNOB at the centre of governmental development work
More active public communications on LNOB, including UNIC hosting and more frequent discussions with academia and youth organizations. LNOB content was also added to UN Indonesia social media material, while ensuring accessibility for persons with disabilities.
Last updated
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